
American BioCarbon Biochar Achieves OMRI Listing for Organic Crop Fertilizer and Soil Amendments

OMRI Listing certifies American BioCarbon's biochar stringent organic production standards

American BioCarbon, a leading producer of biochar for agricultural use and carbon sequestration, announced its successful attainment of Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) Listing for its flagship biochar product. This milestone represents a significant achievement which underscores the company's commitment to organic and environmentally responsible agricultural technologies.

American BioCarbon’s 100% biochar soil enhancer for healthy growth and carbon capture was listed by OMRI for crop fertilizers and soil amendments for organic use. The certification process involves a comprehensive evaluation of the product's ingredients, manufacturing processes, and environmental impact.

American BioCarbon uses its patented Biomass Separation Unit combined with a proprietary pyrolysis process, to transform bagasse, a byproduct of sugar cane processing, into biochar. The unique properties of bagasse feedstock, an agricultural waste, coupled with American BioCarbon’s proprietary net-zero manufacturing process creates higher quality products more efficiently. By turning a waste material into a next-generation soil amendment and carbon capture solution, American BioCarbon eliminates an environmental liability while simultaneously removing carbon.

Bagasse biochar is a nutrient-rich soil amendment that dramatically improves agricultural productivity. Its porous, carbon-rich composition enhances soil components, allowing biochar to reduce compaction, support plant growth, and offer a sustainable approach to increasing crop yields while mitigating challenges in modern land management practices.

Key soil benefits of American BioCarbon's OMRI Listed bagasse biochar include:

- Enhanced soil fertility and structure

- Neutralized soil acidity

- Improved water retention capabilities

- Increased carbon sequestration potential

- Support for beneficial microbial activity in soil ecosystems

The OMRI Listing validates that American BioCarbon's biochar meets stringent organic production standards, enabling farmers and agricultural professionals to incorporate the product into certified organic crop production systems.

Learn more about American BioCarbon OMRI Listing at: https://www.omri.org/mfg/akh.

About American BioCarbon

American BioCarbon is a leading force in the carbon removal and renewable bioproducts industry. The company produces biochar, renewable energy, and carbon removal credits at its facility in Louisiana, USA, and is currently constructing one of the largest industrial biochar plants in the country. Set to go live in 2026, this self-powered facility is designed to be a major carbon removal project, positioning American BioCarbon at the forefront of sustainable agricultural waste conversion technologies. www.americanbiocarbon.com

About OMRI

The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is a national nonprofit organization that reviews products used in organic production and processing, determining their eligibility for use in certified organic operations. Their rigorous review process ensures that OMRI Listed products meet the strict requirements of the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) and other international organic standards. By providing independent, transparent product reviews, OMRI supports the continued growth and integrity of organic agriculture worldwide. https://www.omri.org/
