
Christmas season (test story gif)

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The holidays are here, and you can be the host with the most by offering guests a truly distinctive and delicious menu to celebrate in style.

A holiday brunch is a great way to relax and reconnect with friends and family. A menu that adapts easily to large or small groups leaves you more time to spend with your guests.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with food and drinks based on your theme when planning your holiday party and going snowman. Try snowman pancakes: place two pancakes on a plate with one on top of the other, take a piece of bacon and place it where the pancakes meet for a scarf; chocolate chips, nuts, mini M&Ms, or raisins can serve as eyes, nose, or buttons. Please keep it simple, or make it sophisticated. 

Don’t want to mess up the kitchen? Slide some mini powdered donuts onto skewers and add chocolate candy hats (mini Reese’s cups?) and licorice scarves for a simple snowman kabob that will delight all ages.

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